mardi 28 janvier 2020

About Astral Projection - Levitating You to a Higher Plane

Expert Author Abhishek Agarwal
Astral projection, also called as astral travel is basically an esoteric interpretation of an interesting phenomenon called the Out of body experience (OOBE). An esoteric interpretation basically refers to a concept that is understood and effectively interpreted only by an enlightened set of people and their inner circle. OOBE basically refers to the existence or capability of existence of an 'astral body' that is separate from the physical body and is capable of travelling outside it.
If you're wondering about astral traveling, it basically refers to the separation of the astral body from the physical body and its travel in the astral plane.
Astral travel is often associated with the afterlife wherein there is permanent disconnection of the astral body (spirit) from the physical body and it's transcending into the astral plane. Hence such experiences are also linked to near death experiences, dreams, state of illness, influence of drugs and medications, sleep, meditation and certain forms of paralysis.
About astral projection, it is often considered to be a paranormal concept, the truth according to OOBE expert Jerry Gross, is that everyone astral travels as they sleep, but they have no recollection of the experience as they awaken. In short anyone and everyone tend to leave their physical body as they sleep in the form of an astral body, but they are just not able to remember doing so.
More About Astral Projection
Astral projection may sometimes also be self induced wherein a person masters the ability to project himself outside the physical body as some form of spiritual practice. This involves traveling to higher realms in a journey of self discovery and exploration. Whether this is true or a hallucination of a few, there is no way of verifying it experimentally.
But there have been numerous such accounts in many cultures and races throughout the world through many centuries.
The belief that a person has undergone an out of body experience or was able to perform an OOBE is quite common and there have been numerous personal accounts and articles in which people, though belonging to different time periods and cultures throughout the world, seem to have had an astral travel with similar symptoms.
As the experience is subjective, there is no direct proof or verification if the astral body or plane truly exists. As of now, we can only count on anecdotal evidence to actually have an insight into the topic or support the idea that it is possible for people to actually leave and travel outside the body.
Whether verifiable or not, facts about astral projection continues to draw more and more interest and speculation with passing time.

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